Breville Food Processor Bfp800 Manual | [Pdf]


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Breville Food Processor Bfp800 Manual | [Pdf]We design and manufacture consumer products with the safety of you, our valued customer, foremost in mind. In addition we ask that you exercise a degree of care when using any electrical appliance and adhere to the following precautions. This will cause damage to the blades (quad or mini blade).Use this disc for chipping vegetables. Before using your Breville food processor, Orientate the disc so that the side you become familiar with all the parts. Remove wish to use is facing upwards. To remove the. To operate the food processor again, allow the machine to cool for approx 30 minutes. This is indicated by the blade turning slowly and the meat only moving slowly around the bowl and not processing. If this occurs remove the meat and process in two batches. Garlic, chilli and ginger For garlic, peel cloves and leave whole. Creamed vegetable soups Use same process as for cooked vegetables above then with motor running, gradually add no more than 4 cups stock and cream or milk through the feed chute. If necessary, during processing remove the lid and scrape the mixture from the sides of the bowl. Please do not place in the whole eggs into the processing bowl with dishwasher. Use Insert the dough blade into the bowl. Place instant active dry yeast and include with melted ingredients, followed by liquid the dry ingredients in the processing bowl. For disc to set the height. Never force the food down as this will damage the discs. Apply light pressure for soft foods such as tomatoes and bananas;. Never put your fingers or spatula into the feed chute. Always wait for the disc to stop spinning before removing the lid. This used for processing small food quantities. For specific recipes, refer to the recipe section. NOTE The food processor is very powerful and recommended using PULSE function where possible as to avoid over chopping or whipping. Always processor will separate on standing. Place pusher onto food and apply pressure.

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Add the curry paste to INGREdIENTS the pan and cook, stirring, until the paste 400ml can coconut milk. Cook 2-3 minutes or until BEEF CURRy fragrant. Place slow cooker pan into Serves 8-10 housing; add curry paste and stir to coat meat in curry paste Add cardamom, INGREdIENTS cinnamon, water and potatoes. Heat butter and oil in a frying pan over INGREdIENTS a medium heat; add leeks and cook, 2 leek, white part only stirring, until the leeks have softened. Transfer to large processor bowl with the INGREdIENTS Quad blade inserted and add chicken, 2 long red chillies, seeds removed and halved coriander, fish sauce and sesame oil. Add prawns and Serves 6 cabbage and continue cooking for a further 5 minutes.Allow to cool for 5 minutes then remove from pan and INGREdIENTS allow to cool on a cooling rack. 2 pink lady apples 3 x 50g eggs 1 cup (250ml) milk. Serves 10 Allow cake to cool in pan for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool INGREdIENTS completely. Serves 10 Meanwhile to make frosting: Place butter, cheese and vanilla into the bowl INGREdIENTS of the electric mixer. Sprinkle raspberries over the Serves 8-10 top. Turn oven off. Leave the 250g packet plain sweet biscuits cheesecake in oven, with the door ajar, 125g unsalted butter, melted. Page Count: 60 W e design and m anufacture cons umer products with the saf ety of yo u, our val ued customer, forem ost in mind. In addition we as k that yo u exer cise a degree of car e when using any electric al applian ce and adher e to the followin g preca utions. Ensure th e OFF button ha s been pressed to switch the motor off; the a ppliance is s witched off at the power o utlet and unpl ugged, before r emovin g the lid from the bowl. The proc essing bowl sh ould then be unlocked fr om the motor body and the quad bl ade, dough bla de or discs carefully r emov ed before attem pting to remo ve the pr ocessed food.Thi s will cause dama ge to the blades (quad or mini blade ). F ollow the cleaning in structions pro vided in this book. Do not use this a ppliance f or anythin g other than its inten ded use. Do not use in mo ving vehicles or boats. It is advi sable that a saf ety switch with a rated residual operatin g current not ex ceeding 30mA be installed in the electrica l circuit supplyin g the applian ce. See y our electrician for profession al advice. CA UTION T o avoid possible malfunction of the processing bo wl’s auto switch, do not place the pr ocessing lid in the locked position when the appliance is not in use. CA UTION The processing bl ades and discs are extr emely sharp, handle with car e at all times. Do not place hands, knives or other utensils into the f eed chute. Alway s use the food pusher to push the food d own the f eed chute.The food pr ocessor will not start unless th e large p usher is in pla ce correct ly. C. Extra wide feed chute F or larger ingr edients. D. Processing lid Locks onto th e processing bowl. E. PULSE button Press down and h old brie?y for short b ursts of power. NOT SHO WN Cleaning Brus h F or cleaning th e processor bowl, bl ades and discs. The ? at end is designed as a s craper to remo ve food p articles from crevic es. Plastic Sp atula F or scraping th e sides of the bowl hel ping to process in gredients ev enly. Mini Processing bo wl F or processing sm all vol umes of ingredients. Cor d Storage C ord can be push ed into the housing to reduce len gth. Breville Assi st Plug Ergonomic rin g-pull design allows the power plug to be e asily remo ved fr om the power out let. W ash the pr ocessing bowl, proc essing lid and other atta chments in warm, soa py water. Rinse and dry th oroughly. (Refer to cle aning, care and storage section). 1. Plac e the motor bas e on a dry, lev el work surfac e. Place th e processing bow l on to the motor b ase with the han dle in line with the ALIGN HANDLE graphic on the motor b ase. (See F igure 1). Fig. 1 2. T urn the processin g bowl clockwise until the han dle aligns with the TURN TO L OCK graphic. The proc essing bowl sh ould be securely locked into position. (See F igure 2). Fig. 2 3. If usin g a disc, ?rst assem ble the disc spindle onto th e bowl driv e coupling. Orientate the disc s o that the side yo u wish to us e is facing up wards. Hold th e disc by the c entre plastic mouldin g and position the central h ole abo ve the attachm ent spindle. Pus h down ?rmly until ?tted corr ectly. (Please note that th ese discs only ?t th e larger processin g bowl). Fig. 3 4. F or using the pr ocessing blades, carefully gra sp either the qua d blade, dough bla de or mini processing bla de using the c entral plastic support an d position it ov er the bowl dri ve co upling and pus h down until inserted corr ectly. If using the mini pr ocessing blade, ensur e the mini processing bo wl is assembled into th e main bowl ?rst. Fig. 4 NOTE The food pr ocessor will not start unless the lar ge food push er is inserted corr ectly into pla ce. W hen shor t burs ts of powe r are re qui red, press t he PUL SE button a nd hold down br ie?y, releas e, the n press aga in. T he PU LSE ac tion w ill autom a t ical ly stop when t he button is rel eased. 8. T o set the tim er, press th e button s located to the left of th e timing window. Time will m ove up b y 5 second interv als, from 0 to 30 secon ds. Ensur e the large f ood pusher i s inserted correct ly into place. The food proc essor will not start until pus her is in pla ce. Once th e timer has ?nis hed, the food proc essor will stop and go into ST ANDBY mode. Three (3) beeps will be sounded to in dicate that the pr ocessing is com plete. Processing will stop automatic ally, once th e large food p usher has been r emov ed from the lid. The chute MA X ?ll graphic indicates the m aximum vol ume of food to be pla ced in the chute for the p usher to acti vate th e unit. Holdin g the feed chute and pr essing down ? at the sam e time, turn the lid anti-clockwise so th at the arrow graphics are n o longer aligned. Lift the bow l off the motor s haft. When rem oving the di scs - carefully remo ve b y gripping the pl astic hub on the centr e of the disc and liftin g the disc up and a way fr om the pin on the spin dle. NOTE Rea ssemble the food pr ocessor by locking the bowl int o position before attaching bla de, disc or lid. NOTE Car e should be tak en when remo ving the food fr om the processing bo wl by ensuring th e motor, processing bl ade, dough blade or di scs hav e completely stopped befor e disassembling. The processin g bowl sh ould then be unlocked fr om the motor body, then the qua d blade, dough or disc c arefully remo ved before att empting to rem ove the processed f ood. Some stiff mixtur es, such as dough, ma y cause th e dough blade to r otate more slow ly than norm al. If this happen s, do not process for longer th an 1 minute. S witch off the power o utlet. Remo ve the pr ocessing lid and adjust an y food wedged between the blade an d the bowl or in the dis c. Replace the lid and pr oceed as norma l. If this occurs a gain, the processin g bowl ma y be ov erloaded, so r emov e some of the f ood and process in sm aller batches. NOTE The food pr ocessor is designed so the motor will n ot operate without the proc essing bowl and lid are correct ly locked into position and the push er inserted into the feed chut e. In the ev ent that the food pr ocessor starts without the lid c orrectly locked into position, immediat ely disconnect at the power out let and return to your loc al Breville Servic e Centre f or examination. F or many large pr ocessing tas ks, the fo ur blades will cut the pr ocessing time needed to a chiev e the desired r esults. The result depen ds on the ty pe of food and ho w long the food i s processed. Al way s remember to pl ace the quad bla de into the processing bo wl before adding th e food. NOTE T o avoid o ver-processing check th e consist ency frequentl y. F or many processin g tasks we r ecommend to use the PULSE butt on, as it may on ly take a f ew seconds to fully pr ocess the food to th e desired consist ency. Spanis h Onion wedges Chopped Spanis h Onion Raw me at, chicken and ?sh T rim and cut f ood into 2.5cm cubes. Ens ure all bones ar e remov ed. Chill well until ?rm as this will h elp the quad bl ade to cut through th e food more r eadily. Cubed Beef Minced Beef This is indicated by th e blade turning slow ly and the meat on ly movin g slowly aro und the bowl and not proc essing. If this occurs r emov e the me at and process in two bat ches. Garlic, chilli and ginger F or garlic, peel clo ves and le av e whole. F or chilli, lea ve wh ole (remov e seeds f or milder chilli). F or ginger, peel and cut into 2.5cm cubes. Pr ocess until chopped to desired con sistency. Store chopped garlic or chilli mixed with a little oil in an airtight container in r efrigerator for up to 1 week. Mix ginger with a little s herry. If adding garlic, chilli or ginger to oth er ingredients, drop whole piec es down feed chute while the motor i s running. Whole chillies Chopped chillies Herbs W ash and dry h erbs thoroughly.Whole dried fruit Chopped dried fruit Citrus peel Remo ve the peel fr om the fruit using a vegeta ble peeler and cut into 2.5cm pieces. Process n o more than 4 cups at a tim e together with. Hard boiled eg gs After cooking eg gs to hard boiled sta ge, allow to cool th en remo ve sh ells and cut eggs in h alf. Soft bre adcrumbs Brea k stale brea d into chunks (fres h bread will stick to blades ). NOTE F or best results when ma king brea d crumbs, add one s lice at a time. NOTE 700g pkt s liced brea d yields appro ximately 10 cup soft brea dcrumbs. F reeze in on e cup portions for l ater use. Biscuit C rumbs Brea k biscuits into quarters, me asure quantity and pl ace into proc essing NOTE Sweet or sa vory bisc uit crumbs can be used as an altern ative to p astry for sweet or sa vory pies. F or man y large processin g tasks, the fo ur blades will cut th e processing time needed to a chieve th e desired results. Alwa ys rem ember to place th e quad blade into the bowl bef ore adding th e food. NOTE After pureein g the food, car efully remo ve the quad bl ade and use the spatula t o scrape any f ood adhering to the blade an d the processing bo wl. Cooked v egetables Peel an d cut vegetables into 2.5cm c ubes. Ensur e vegetables are w ell cooked and softened bef ore processing. NOTE After processin g vegetables, add st ock through th e feed chute, if nec essary, to mak e a smoother puree. Cre amed vegetable so ups U se same proc ess as for cook ed vegetables abo ve then with motor runnin g, gradually add no m ore than 4 cups stock and cr eam or milk through th e feed chute. Do not e xceed MA X liquid level. Cooked p umpkin Pureed pumpkin Cooked m eat and pates T rim and cut c ooked meat into 2.5cm c ubes. F or chicken li ver pate, le av e liv ers whole. F or pate, add cr eam through f eed chute while motor is running. NOTE Add pan juices durin g processing if mixture becom es too stiff. NOTE 2 cups peanuts will yield appro ximately 1 cup peanut b utter. The natura l oil in the butter will separate on stan ding. Stir before use. Shelled peanuts Peanut butt er F resh F ruit Peel an d cut fruit into 2.5cm cubes. Ens ure any pi ps or stones are remo ved. F or hard or ?rm fruit such as a pples and pears, cook until soft bef ore processing. NOTE Add stock, milk or gra vy during processin g if mixture becomes too stiff. If r equired, freez e excess mixture in ice-cube tr ays, th en repack in freez er bags re ady for use. Alwa ys rem ember to place th e quad bla de into the processing bo wl before adding th e food. Butter ca kes Plac e softened butter and s ugar into the processin g bowl. With th e motor running, add egg s one at a time down the sm all feed chute, mixing well after e ach addition. A dd liquid and dry ingr edients to the mixture in the proc essing bowl and proc ess using the PULSE button until f olded through ev enly. If necessary, interrupt the processin g, remo ve the lid and scra pe the mixture from th e sides of the bowl. R eplace the lid an d if adding dried fruit, nuts etc.If necessary, interrupt the processin g, remo ve the lid and scra pe the mixture from th e sides of the bowl. R eplace the lid an d continue but do not o ver-process the mixtur e. Sorbet F or step one use the qua d blade. STEP 1 Plac e ripe fruit and a sug ar syrup into the processin g bowl and process until sm ooth. T ransf er this mixture to a plastic di sh and freez e until just starting to set. Return fro zen mixture to the pr ocessing bowl and usin g the quad bl ade, process usin g PULSE button until smooth. STEP 2 U sing the emulsifyin g disc, beat eg g whites until foam y using the emulsifyin g disc (s ee Eg g Whites in this section). Add fr ozen fruit puree to eg g white foam and pr ocess using PULSE button until f olded through ev enly. F reeze until re ady to serve. If necessary, during proc essing remo ve the lid an d scrape the mixture fr om the sides of the bowl. Emulsifying disc. U se with the Disc Spin dle. WHIPPING WITH THE EMULSIF YING DISC Egg whit es NOTE Although the qua d blade can be used for egg w hites, for best results we recomm end the emulsifying di sc is used. Ensur e the processing bo wl and emulsifying blade ar e clean, dry and free of an y fat residue. With the m otor running, slow ly add 1 tablespoon lem on juice to help sta bilise the egg white f oam. Please do not pla ce in the dish wash er. W ash by hand. Egg whites Egg white f oam NOTE When using the emul sifying disc plea se insert disc and s pindle on to the food pr ocess and befor e adding ingr edients. Whipped cre am Plac e 600ml well-chilled cream into the processin g bowl and using the emul sifying disc, proc ess using PULSE button until whipped to desir ed consistenc y. Egg sauces (Ma yonnai se, Holl andaise, Bearnaise ) Plac e a minimum of 6 egg yolks or 4 whole egg s into the processin g bowl with sea sonings and vin egar use emulsifying disc. U se emulsifying dis c. F or Ma yonnai se: use quad blade with th e motor running, slowly a dd oil through feed chute until mixed to desired c onsistency. Do not ex ceed MAX liquid le vel. F or Holl andaise or Be arnaise: with the motor running, slowly a dd hot, melted butter through f eed chute until mixed to desired consi stency. Dough blade KNEADING WITH THE DOUGH BLADE The edges of the pl astic blade pro vide a softer action for com bining dough ingr edients. Pastry an d scone dough Insert the do ugh blade into the bow l. Place ?our and c ubed, chilled butter into the bowl.Do not o ver proc ess. T ransf er the dough to a lightly ?o ured surfac e and knea d for a further 5 minutes if necessary until s oft and pliable. Pl ace dough into large, greased mixin g bowl and stand co vered in a w arm place until dou bled in size. T urn the dough onto a light ly ?oured surfac e and knea d again until smooth and elastic. S hape the dough, a llow to rise in a warm are a then bak e in a hot ov en. Biscuit dough Insert the do ugh blade (or y ou can use th e quad bla de) into the bowl. Pla ce softened butter and s ugar into the processin g bowl. With th e motor running, add eggs one at a tim e down the small f eed chute, mixing well after e ach addition. Pla ce dry ingredients into the processin g bowl and use the PULSE b utton until ingredients ar e just combined. A dd dried fruit, nuts, etc.Process ingr edients using the PULSE button until just c ombined. R eplace the lid an d continue but do not o ver-process the mixtur e. Add dried fruit, nuts AND GRA TING WITH THE REVERSIBLE SHREDDER Prepar e fruit or vegetables b y washin g or peeling ?rst. First c ut the food to ?t the len gth of the feed chute (no mor e than 14cm). F ood can be shredded len gth wa ys to make a lon g shred. If food ?ts witho ut the need to cut, trim on e end so that it sits.Both thick and thin grating c an be achiev ed by using eith er the coarse or ?n e shredding disc. U se one side of the disc f or coarse grating. Carefully turn o ver th e disc so that the proc ess required is facin g upwar ds. F or hard ch eese such as P armesan, check ?rst that it is n ot too hard otherwis e it will dama ge the blades - the ch eese sho uld slice easil y with a sharp knife. F or round ch eese such as M ozzar ella, slice on e end and pa ck into the feed chute s o the ?at end is fa cing the disc. F or wedge-sha ped cheese, pa ck 2 pieces side by side into chute to f orm a rectang ular sha pe (one piece with ti p facing down, other piece with ti p facing up). S hred as desired usin g a gentle pushin g action SLICING, WITH ADJU ST ABLE SLICING DISC The adjusta ble slicer disc s lices raw fruit and v egetables to a consistent thickn ess required. F rom ?ne 0.5mm to think 8.0mm via 24 a djustable settings. F or many l arge processin g tasks, th e adjustable s licing disc will cut th e processin g time needed to achie ve the desired res ults. The result depend s on the type of f ood and how th e food is positioned into the feed chute. F or smaller f oods, the sma ll feed chute pro vides greater contr ol for adjustable s licing. T o adjust slicin g height, hold the adjusta ble slicing di sc outer edge with one han d, turn the adjustm ent dial on the underside of th e disc to set th e height. An arrow graphic in dicates the height to which the bla de is set. NOTE There m ay be slight v ariation in slice thickness depending on th e food being proc essed and forc e applied with the feed chute p usher. Do not o ver?ll the f eed chute before slicin g. The pus her will not acti vate the unit if th e chute is o ver?lled. A MA X lev el graphic indicates th e maximum ?ll lev el. W ARNING Adjustable S licing Disc blade is sharp, keep hands away fr om the blad e. Adjustable slicer 1. Plac e the adjustable s licer onto the disc spindle in th e processing bowl. 2. Prepare food a s directed in the followin g food categories or r ecipes. 3. P ack f ood into the feed chute as dir ected in the follo wing food categories. F or smaller si ze food lea ve the large p usher in plac e and use the sma ll pusher instea d. The food s hould ?t snugly so it is supported upright in th e feed chute, but not so tight th at it prev ents the food from ea sily movin g down the feed chute when guided b y the food p usher. Apply light press ure for soft f oods such as tomatoes an d bananas; m edium pressur e for ?rmer food s such as potatoes and apples; an d ?rm pressure for har d foods such deli m eats and sal ami. 5. R epeat this proc ess until all food ha s been sliced, s hredded or grated. Round fruit and v egetables Prepar e fruit or vegetables b y washin g or peeling, and coring or seeding (if n ecessary). F or small fruit an d vegetables (e.g. kiwi fruit, roma tom atoes), trim one end so th e food sits ?at in the f eed chute. F or large fruit an d vegetables (e.g. apples), cut in ha lf (if required) to ?t in the f eed chute. P ack into the feed chute with th e adjustable s licing disc at the s lot number required f or the thickness. T omatoes in chute Sliced tomat oes Apples in chute Sliced apples Long fruit and v egetables Prepar e fruit or vegetables b y washin g or peeling. First cut the f ood to ?t the length of the feed chute (n o more than 9cm high if loadin g verticall y, 14cm long if loa ding horiz ontally). If food ?ts witho ut the need to cut, trim one en d so that it sits ?at in feed chute or the food s hould be able to lie on the side if y ou require a long thin s lice of vegeta ble or fruit. Pa ck food vertic ally or horiz ontally, into the feed chute with cut side fa cing disc. The sma ll feed chute can be used f or long vegeta bles such as carrots an d zucchini. Zucchini in chute Sliced zucchini Nev er put your ?ngers or spatula into the f eed chute. Always wait f or the disc to stop spinning befor e remo ving the lid. Leafy v egetables F or cabb age, wa sh and sh ake off ex cess water. C ut into wedges to ?t feed chute. F or lettuce, sep arate lea ves, wa sh and dry thoro ughly, then roll up and p ack vertic ally into feed chute. S lice or shred. NOTE Slicing or s hredding is not recomm ended for spina ch. T o process spinach, w ash and dry thor oughly, tear into pieces and use ch opping blade or quad blade. Lettuce in chute Sliced lettuce Deli meats C ut the meat to ?t th e length of the feed chute (no mor e than 14cm). Pa ck into the feed chute with cut side facing di sc. Salami in chut e Sliced sal ami Suet Remo ve s kin from suet and cut into piec es large en ough to ?t feed chute. P artially freez e until ?rm otherwise it will stick to the blades c ausing them to jam. P ack into the feed chute. S hred. Chocolat e Brea k block of chocolate into piec es. Chill until ?rm. Pa ck into the small f eed chute. Shr ed. A mini processin g blade is pro vided which ?ts inside the mini bow l and can be used for used for ch opping, mixing and blen ding a variet y of foods. Do not pla ce the mini processin g blade into the main pr ocessing bowl. Main bo wl processin g attachments will not operate in the mini proc essing bowl. JULIENNE DISC The J ulienne disc i s positioned on the disc spindle in th e main processing bo wl and cuts food into lon g thin strips. C ommon items to be julienned in clude carrots, zucchini, potato an d celery. F or longer strips, use the lar ge feed chute and lie the f oods down horiz ontally. F or shorter “m atch stick” size strips us e the small f eed chute and push er. LARGE CHIPPER The chip c utting disc is position ed on the spindle in th e main processing bo wl and cuts food into lon g chunky lengths. Thi s disc is us ed primarily for potatoes, ho wev er, a variet y of foods can be us ed for this application. If usin g large potatoes, lie them down in feed chute f or extra long strips. NOTE When proc essing with the chipping disc, the l ast piece of each f ood processed m ay become c aught in the cutting bla de. This is norm al, howev er, the disc c ould become unba lanced. T o reduce vi bration we recommen d the push er is quickly remo ved from the feed chute after e ach piece of food i s processed s o the motor stops quickly. Insert the n ext piece of food and repeat th e process. With som e foods it ma y be necessary to remo ve the lid. R emov e the disc fr om the bowl, and cle ar the lodged food bef ore proceedin g. F or speci?c reci pes, refer to the r ecipe section. NOTE The food pr ocessor is very po werful and recommen ded using PULSE function wher e possible as to a void o ver chopping or whi pping.Thick liquid is soup an d sauces ( such as a tomato ba se puree). It is also rec ommended to use the PULSE fun ction to av oid ov er-processing food. A minimum of 6 egg whites succ essfully using a minimum of 6 egg whites.Processin g bowl, lid and food push er Han d wash in h ot, soap y water using a mild detergent. Do not use a s courer or abra siv e cleaners a s they will scratch th e plastic surfac e. The plastic p arts may oc casiona lly be was hed in the dis hw asher (top s helf only). It is n ot recommen ded on a regular basi s, as prolonged expos ure to hot water temperatures an d harsh detergents will dama ge and shorten th e life of the pla stic. NOTE Do not plac e food pusher in th e dish wash er as the heat m ay deform it. U se the cleaning brus h access ory to scrub stubborn foods off th e blades and di scs. The handle end of the brus h is designed for s craping. T o av oid accidental c uts, do not lea ve quad blade or di scs to soak in sud sy water. The quad bla de, dough blade, discs and spin dle can al so be was hed in the dis hwa sher (top shelf on ly). NOTE The quad bla de cover c an be assembled onto th e quad blade while it is plac ed in the dish washer f or added safet y. F ood stains and odour s F oods such a s carrot ma y lea ve a stain on plastic p arts whilst other food s such as garlic ma y lea ve a stron g odour. T o remov e either, soak th e parts for 5 minutes in 2 litres of water with.Rinse and w ash a s normal. The quad bla de and mini processin g blade, s hould be stored in the storage box wh en not in use. It is good practise to stor e the quad bla de inside its co ver and then in side the storage box. It is not rec ommended to store the di scs in a drawer with oth er utensils. NOTE The lar ge chipper disc must be placed in th e back slot in the st orage container. Never immerse the motor base, po wer cord or po wer plug in water or any other liquid. Never store y our food pr ocessor with the bowl ?x ed and lid locked into position. Doing s o will cause unnecessary str ain on the auto operating switch on the handl e of the processing bo wl and the automatic saf ety switch on the motor base. Do not put any part of the f ood processor in the micr owav e oven. If processin g smaller quantities, use the sm all feed chute. It is norm al for sma ll pieces to remain after proc essing. Amount of do ugh may e xceed maximum c apacit y. If motor speeds up, continue proc essing. If not, add m ore ?our, 1 tablespoon at a time until the m otor speeds up. Pr ocess until dough clean s the side of the pr ocessing bowl. The amo unt of meat ma y ha ve ex ceed the maximum cap acity. There i s a safet y interlo ck sw itch to prev ent the motor fr om sta rt ing if it i s not properly as sembled.Mak e sure the rubber f eet at the bottom of the unit are cle an and dry. Also make s ure that the m aximum load ca pacity i s not being e xceeded. When kne ading dough, a lwa ys start the food pr ocessor before a dding liquid. Add liquid in a s low, steady stre am, allowing th e dry ingredients to absorb it. If too much liquid is added, w ait until ingredients in the pr ocessing bowl ha ve mixed, then a dd remaining liquid s lowly (do not turn off the ma chine). Po ur liquid onto the dough as it p asses under the feed chute openin g; do not pour liquid direct ly onto the bottom of the proc essing bowl. Divide do ugh into 2 or 3 pieces and redistri bute ev enly in processin g bowl. Process 10 sec onds or until uniformly s oft and plia ble.Place into a bakin g dish and b ake for a bout 40 minutes or until skin is begin s to darken. 2. Add garlic to ba king dish an d continue bakin g eggplant and garlic until g arlic is softened an d eggplants are bl ackened and blister ed all ov er. R emov e from oven. 3. Pl ace eggpl ants into a plastic bag an d set aside until cool en ough to handle. 4. Remo ve skin fr om eggplants and discar d, roughly chop th e ?esh. Insert Quad bla de into processor bowl an d add eggplant into th e food processor bo wl with garlic, lemon juic e, oliv e oil, salt and cumin. Pl ace lid on bowl. 5. Pr ocess until mixture is a lmost smooth, scraping do wn the sides of processor bowl if nec essary. 6. Pour into bo wl and stir through p arsley and se ason with black pepper. Ser ve dip with f resh or toa sted Leban ese brea d. ROA ST BEE TROOT DIP Ma kes approx 2 cups INGREDIENTS 4 medium (7 00g) beetroot 1 garlic bulb 2 teas poons lemon juice 1 tablespoon hors eradish. Cut top off g arlic and pla ce beetroot and garlic onto a bakin g tray and dri zzle with oil. Bake for 30 minutes then r emov e garlic and turn beetroot o ver and cook beetr oot for a further 15-20 minutes or until th e beetroot is ten der. Set a side to cool completely. 2. Once beetroot is cool peel off s kin and cut into quarters.