Bowflex Xtreme 2 Exercises Manual


Bowflex Xtreme 2 Exercises Manual


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Bowflex Xtreme 2 Exercises ManualBowflex’s innovative design, exceptional resistance and quality is unmatched by any other single piece of home fitness equipment available. In this Owner’s Manual you’ll find powerful body-building exercises, leanness-enhancing workouts and a Fast Fat Loss eating program customized to give you extreme results. With all of the fitness choices available today, finding the best workout equipment for your needs can be confusing.To hook multiple rods up to one cable, bend the closest rod toward the cable and place the cable hook through that rod cap. You can then hook up the next closest rod through the same cable hook. Hooking up the closest rod first prevents rods from crossing over the top of one another. You can also. Clean the seat with a non-abrasive cleaner after each use. This will keep it looking new. Any non-abrasive household cleaner or soap works well. Many automotive interior cleaners make surfaces too “slick” and should not be used. If you have any questions regarding maintenance please call a Nautilus Representative at 1-800-628-8485. For this grip, insert your foot through the cuff until it is around the arch of your instep, and tighten the cuff around your heel to secure the grip. Shoulder Grip: Spread open the cuff and slide the grip up your arm, tightening the grip around your shoulder by pulling the handle toward the cuff. Lat Cross Bar: The Lat Cross Bar enhance exercises that work back, shoulders and triceps muscles. Leg Extension: Designed to add more effectiveness to exercises that target your legs, thighs, calves, etc.Before exercising, make sure the cable pulley system is properly secured, properly attached, and in perfect working condition. All exercises in this manual are based on the calibrated resistance and capacity levels of the Bowflex exercises not described in this manual are unit bound with the not recommended by the manufacturer.That’s why it’s important to define your goals and focus them.

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Here are some fitness components that will help you define your goals and choose your fitness program. Muscle Strength is the maximum force that you can exert against resistance at one time. Your muscle strength comes into play when you pick up a heavy bag of groceries or lift a small child. It is developed when a localized muscle is worked both positively (concentric) and negatively (eccentric) at a resistance—great enough so you can perform only five to eight repetitions of the exercise before the m uscle fails. Each set of repetitions is followed by a rest interval that typically runs three times longer than the set. Later, between exercise sessions, the muscle overcompensates for the stress and usually increases in both strength and size. Muscle Endurance is the ability to perform repeated contractions. It comes into play when you cross-country ski or work on your feet all day. Endurance training addresses the slow twitch, endurance muscle fibers, which depend on oxygen for energy. To develop muscle endurance, use low resistance and high repetitions—about 15-20 repetitions in each set, three sets to each exercise, working the muscle only to fatigue. Muscle Power is the combination of strength and speed of the muscular contraction. Load is actually a more important factor than speed when attempting to improve power. When training to achieve muscular power, pick a resistance that fatigues you in the 3-5 repetition range. When performing these reps, it is more important to think of contracting the muscles faster rather than attempting to move faster. Performing sport simulation exercises usually results in a deterioration of the motor pattern or skill. The biomechanically sound method of improving power in your sport is to train for power using the correct. Designing a program is easy, as long as you follow the below guidelines. Understand fitness and its components: Improperly designed programs can be dangerous. Take some time to review this manual as well as other fitness guides. Know your current fitness level: any fitness program you should consult a physician who will help you determine your current abilities. Identify your goals: Goals are critical to c hoosing and designing an exercise program that fits and enhances your lifestyle, but so is strategy. It’s important not to rush the process and try to accomplish too much too soon. That will lead to setbacks and discouragement. Instead, set a series of smaller achievable goals. Select complementary exercises: exercises that address compound joint movements and single joint movements. In addition, select exercises that address complimentary muscle groups. Put first things first: During each session, first work muscle groups that need the most training. With concentration and visualization you can approach your workout with a positive, constructive attitude. A good pre-workout mental routine is to sit and relax, so that you can focus on what you are about to do and think about achieving your end goal. Your Routine The workout portion of your fitness routine is the series of exercises devoted to your particular goals. Remember, make sure to have fun. Cool Down An essential part of the exercise routine is the cool down. Gradually reduce the level of exercise intensity so that blood does not accumulate in one muscle group, but continues to circulate at a decreasing rate. Remember to gradually move yourself into a relaxed state. Breathing The most important part of breathing during exercise is, quite simply, that you do it. Breathing in or out during the actual performance is not dependent upon the direction of air flow relative to exertion. It is, in fact, a mechanical process that changes the position of your spine as your rib cage moves. Here are some tips for breathing: 1) Be cautious when you are concentrating or exerting effort. This is when you will probably hold your breath. DO NOT hold your breath. Do not exaggerate breathing. Depth of inhalation and exhalation should be natural for the situation. Focus on practicing and learning your technique before increasing the resistance. Then move to a more challenging r esistance that you can perform no less than 10 reps and no more than 15 reps without your form deteriorating. As you become stronger, you can advance to two sets for each exercise. Complete all sets of each exercise before moving on to the next one. Rest 30 to 45 seconds between sets. Move slowly on each rep. Use a pace that would allow you to stop the movement instantly at any point in the rep. Count three seconds up and three seconds down and work to fatigue during each set. Body Part Chest Back Shoulders Arms Legs Trunk ADVANCED GENERAL CONDITIONING FREQUENCY: 4 DAYS PER WEEK (M-T-Th-F) TIME: ABOUT 35-45 MINUTES When you are proficient in performing the exercise techniques of the above routine and are no longer realizing results, or have become just plain bored, it is time to change your program. You can increase your training with this “split system” routine that works opposing muscle groups on different days. To do this, you’ll increase your resistance when you can perform 12 reps perfectly, and you’ll increase your volume by performing more sets and more exercises. Count three seconds up and three seconds down and work to fatigue during each set.Do this routine when you are limited in time or just want a variation to your normal routine. Perform this program t raining 2 days, resting 1 to 2. Perform all exercises to near failure, stopping at the point that your technique starts to deteriorate. Rest only 20-30 seconds between sets. As you get stronger, increase the number of sets you perform. Count three seconds up and three seconds down.Train each muscle group to failure before moving on to the next exercise. Do not neglect any muscle group. If needed, include an aerobic activity to increase your caloric expenditure and help to reduce your body fat levels to achieve a defined muscular look. Rest 30-60 seconds between each set and exercise. Focus on proper form. Tighten the muscle before you move, squeeze the muscle as you move, cramp the muscle at the point of full contraction, and resist the movement as you lower the weight. Count three seconds up and three seconds down and work to fatigue during each set.The idea is to move quickly from exercise to exercise, taking only as much rest between sets as it takes to set up the next exercise (less than 20 seconds). One circuit equals one set of each exercise. Initially, start with completing one round of Circuit 1. Then add an additional round of the same circuit. Once you reach three rounds of Circuit 1, add one round of Circuit 2. Add a dditional rounds of Circuit 2 as your fitness level increases. Repeat process with Circuit 3. Do not let your heart rate exceed 220 minus your resting heart rate. Perform each rep of each exercise slowly and with perfect technique. Count three seconds up and three seconds down. Circuit 1 Body Part Chest Legs Back Legs Trunk Circuit 2 Body Part Shoulders Legs Back Trunk Arms Circuit 3 Body Part Shoulders Arms Legs Trunk Exercise Bench Press Squat Seated Lat Row Leg Curl Seated Abdominal Crunch Exercise Seated Shoulder Press Leg Extensions Seated Lat Pulldowns Standing Low Back Extension Biceps Curl. By returning to an aerobic exercise between each set you are increasing your aerobic capacity, endurance and burning fat as energy. The idea is to move quickly from exercise to exercise, taking only as much rest between sets as it takes to set up the next exercise (less than 20 seconds). Once you reach three rounds of Circuit 1, add one round of Circuit 2. Add additional rounds of Circuit 2 as your fitness level increases. Do not let your heart rate exceed 220 minus your resting heart rate. Any type of aerobic exercise can be used for this routine. Some examples are: jumping jacks, jogging in place, or stair climbing.This is an advanced routine to be used only after you have progressed from the advanced general conditioning routine and only after you have perfected your exercise techniques. Work each set to near exhaustion. Count two seconds up and four seconds down and work to fatigue during each set. Day 1 Body Part Chest Shoulders Day 2 Body Part Back Arms Body Part Day 3 Legs Trunk Exercise Bench Press Chest Fly Seated Shoulder Press Crossover Rear Delt Rows Shoulder Shrug Exercise Seated Lat Row Seated Lat Pulldowns Biceps Curl Reverse Curl Triceps Pushdown Triceps Extension Exercise Squat Leg Extension Leg Curl Standing Hip Extension Standing Low Back Extension Seated Abdominal Crunch Sets. Chest Fly— Muscles worked: Pectoralis Major;. Incline Bench Press— Muscles worked: Pectoralis Major;. Incline Chest Fly— Muscles worked: Pectoralis Major;. Crossover High Rear Delt Rows—. Crossover Reverse Fly— Muscles worked: Rear Deltoids;. Keep kneecaps pointing up and straight forward. It is important that you practice every aspect of the plan to achieve optimum results. They like variety, however, for dinner. Detailed menus and food choices are included later in this manual. If you must vary from the menu items, try to stay within the 60:20:20 ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. There are a few people who should not try this program: children and teenagers; pregnant women; women who are breast feeding; diabetics; individuals with certain types of heart, liver, or kidney disease; and those suffering from certain types of arthritis. This list is not all-inclusive. Some people should follow the course only with their physician or health care professional’s specific guidance. Drinking the recommended amount of water can seem like a challenge at first. Stick with it. Carry a large sports bottle or similar item with you throughout the day.BABETRAVELLING.COM/ckfinder/userfiles2/files/bkrd3022 manual.pdf After several weeks, you will find that you actually thirst for more and more water, and the amounts recommended are easily reached. Superhydration aids fat loss in a number of ways. First, the kidneys are unable to function without adequate water. When they do not work to capacity some of their load is dumped onto the liver. This diverts the liver from its primary function, which is to metabolize stored fat into usable energy. Because it’s performing the chores of the water-depleted kidneys, the liver metabolizes less fat. Second, overeating can be averted through water intake, as water can keep the stomach feeling full and satisfied between meals. Third, ice-cold water requires calories to warm it to core body temperature. In fact, 1 gallon of ice cold water generates 123 calories of heat energy. Week 2— drink 4.5 32-oz. bottles of ice-cold water per day. Week 3— drink 5.0 32-oz. bottles of ice-cold water per day. Week 4— drink 5.5 32-oz. bottles of ice-cold water per day. Week 5— drink 6.0 32-oz. bottles of ice-cold water per day. Week 6— drink 6.5 32-oz. bottles of ice-cold water per day. Don’t be surprised if you have to make more than a dozen trips to the restroom, especially during the first week of the program. Remember, your body is an adaptive system and it will soon accommodate the increased water consumption. For best results, follow them exactly. Every attempt has been made to utilize current popular brand names and accurate calorie counts, which are listed in the menus. But, as you probably realize, products are sometimes changed or discontinued. If a listed item is not available in your area, you’ll need to substitute a similar product. Become an informed label-reader at your supermarket. Ask questions about any products you don’t understand. Supermarket managers are usually helpful. If they don’t have an answer to your question, they will get it for you. Each day you will choose a limited selection of foods for breakfast and lunch. Most people can consume the same basic breakfast and lunch for months with little modification. Variety during your evening meal, however, will make daily eating interesting and enjoyable. Additionally, the eating plan includes a mid-afternoon and late-night snack to keep your energy high and your hunger low. Begin Week 1 on Monday and continue through Sunday. Week 2 is a repeat of Week 1. The following is the eating plan for the next six weeks (calories for each food are in parentheses), with a Shopping List on Page 60.Review your choices and adjust the shopping list accordingly. It may be helpful for you to photocopy this list each week before doing your shopping. Staples Orange juice, skim milk, whole-wheat bread, Promise Ultra Vegetable Oil Spread, Italian fat-free dressing, Dijon mustard, safflower oil, noncaloric beverages (tea, decaffeinated coffee, diet soft drinks, water). Vegetables Lettuce, tomatoes, whole kernel corn (canned no salt added), sweet peas, (canned no salt added), sliced white potatoes (canned), cut beets (canned). Dairy Yogurt (light nonfat), cream cheese (light), cheese (fat-free), low-fat frozen yogurt, Carnation Instant Breakfast packets, Champion Nutrition Packets. Meat, Poultry, Fish and Entrees Chicken (thin sliced), turkey (thin sliced), tuna (canned in water), sirloin steak (lean).What should I do? Y our headaches may be caused by going longer than three hours between meals or snacks. Try spacing your meals and snacks where there are fewer hours between them. Some people who are used to drinking regular coffee with caffeine notice headaches when they stop consuming coffee for several days. If this is the case with you, you might want to ease off the coffee more gradually. Q. I don’t like red meat. I notice that the Lean Cuisine Lasagna with Meat Sauce contains beef. What can I substitute for it. Try to find one. Instead of eating from 1000 to 1500 calories a day, you’ll be consuming from 1600 to 2400 calories per day. Maybe you can eat even more after your new body weight has stabilized. Trial-and- error experimentation is a must. Women should start with 1600 calories, and men with 2000 calories per day. Note what happens after a week. If your body weight keeps going down, raise the calories by 100 or 200; depending on how much weight you lost during the last week. Soon, you should reach a level where your body weight stabilizes. That level is your daily calorie requirement. By then, however, you should know the value of being a smart shopper and a wise eater. Read labels. Compare nutritional information. Be conscious of the ideal 60:20:20 ratio for carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Eat smaller meals more frequently. You’ve been limiting your five meals per day to 300 calories if you’re a woman, or 500 calories if you’re a man. You may now up the calories by 100. What happens if during a single meal you eat more than 400 calories if you’re a woman, or 600 calories if you’re a man. Don’t panic. Simply understand that you will sometimes backslide. Learn to anticipate these urges and take corrective action. Drink at least 1 gallon of cold water each day. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Returns should be shipped to: 16400 SE Nautilus Drive, Vancouver, WA 98683. 2. A ll returned merchandise must be properly packaged in the original boxes and in good condition. NOTE: You are responsible for return shipping and for any damage or loss to merchandise that occurs during return shipment. Nautilus must receive your shipment within two weeks from the date the Nautilus Representative issued you your Return Authorization Number. Refunds may be denied or delayed if these instructions are not completely followed. This Bowflex Satisfaction Guarantee applies only to merchandise purchased by consumers directly from Nautilus Health and Fitness Group. This guarantee does not apply to sales made by dealers. Your answers are important to us.AYTEKINPOLATEL.COM/image/files/bkp-420manual.pdfThis warranty is not transferable or applicable to any person other than the original purchaser and is only applicable for products sold and used in the United States or Canada. Tampering with the unit will void the warranty.To make this warranty effective, you must completely fill out the Bowflex Card within 30 days of purchase, and return it to the address on the Warranty Registration Card. What Nautilus Will Do.EXERCISE Sets Bench Press Reps Resistance Sets Reps Resistance Sets Reps Resistance Sets Reps Resistance Sets Reps Resistance Sets Reps Resistance Sets Reps Resistance Sets Reps Resistance Sets Reps. Please turn it on so that you can experience the full capabilities of this site. You'll save time and keep your heart rate up as you progress through your workout. I got results immediately. I went from 194 pounds to 162.I was 5'6' and I weighed 148 pounds. It's (Bowflex) something simple that will give you the results. I put on 12 pounds of muscle. If you do the work you will get the results. You can make things happen. The best part about it is that I don't feel 37. See our disclosure page for details. Home gym equipment is useful for anyone who’s looking to achieve a full workout at home, or have equipment readily available to maintain their current fitness level. Bowflex is one of the leaders in home gym equipment, and designs versatile equipment for multiple levels of fitness. Since their beginning, Bowflex has constantly innovated their models to match multiple fitness needs. In this article, we’ll be taking an in-depth look at the Bowflex Extreme 2 SE Home Gym. We’ll break down all of the pros, cons, the machine’s versatility, its price, and much more that come with owning this Bowflex model. Bowflex Xtreme 2 SE Home Gym Image courtesy Bowflex Xtreme 2 SE Key Specs and Features The Bowflex Xtreme 2 SE Home Gym has a few features that make it stand out from its competitors and older models. For starters, this piece of equipment is pretty versatile and allows a lifter to perform over 70 exercises. This is a step up from the older models like the Bowflex PR1000 and the Bowflex Blaze. The Xtreme 2 SE is one of their newest compact models, which means it doesn’t include the fold down bench. Shop the Bowflex Extreme 2 SE HERE. In addition to being a versatile machine, the Xtreme 2 SE also comes with a descriptive exercise manual. This is a beneficial spec for anyone who may be newer to working out, or targeting certain muscles. The only downside is that this machine doesn’t come with pre-made Bowflex workout DVD, which some models come with, like the Blaze. Like other models, the Xtreme 2 SE comes with the standard 210 lbs of power rod resistance. If that’s not enough resistance, then you have the option of upgrading to 410 lbs, but the extra rods are sold as an add-on. Often times, 210 lbs will be plenty for the newer lifter, or someone looking to simply get in maintenance work, so the stock resistance shouldn’t be a huge issue for most. Another cool feature of this model is the warranty that comes with it. The machine itself has a 7-year manufacturer warranty, while the power rods are covered for a lifetime. Pros Versatile: Over 70 exercises 210 lbs of power rod resistance 7-year machine warranty, and lifetime warranty for the power rods Descriptive exercise manual Cons Could be expensive for some who buys in one-time purchase 210 lbs of resistance may not be enough for the experienced strength athlete Is the Bowflex Xtreme 2 SE Home Gym Versatile. All in all, I would say that this is one of the more versatile home gym models on the market. As state above, this piece of equipment allows you to perform over 70 exercises, which is plenty for anyone trying to get a full-body workout in, or muscle specific work. The only knock I have on this machine’s versatility is the lack of a bench. Yet, you can still perform chest and back work in a seat, so it’s not the worst thing. Legs: Leg extension, curl, and kickback Chest: Flat, incline, and decline press Back: Lat pulldown, row, lower back extension Arms: Bicep curls and tricep pushdown Shoulders: Press, delt raise, shrugs Core: Ab crunch, trunk rotation, and oblique crunch The last versatility aspect we’ll cover is the space this machine takes up. This is one of Bowflex’s compact models, so there’s no fold down bench, which can save you a little space. The descriptive exercise manual will provide a lifter with the means to setup the machine, and learn how to perform certain movements. This is a beneficial aspect for anyone who’s lacking previous workout knowledge. Bowflex Xtreme 2 SE Home Gym Ease of Use Image courtesy One of Bowflex’s major ease of use perks is their no-change pulley system. Their power rod system allows a lifter to move through multiple exercises without having to re-work the whole machine. For example, one can perform a squat, then chest press without having to take extra time to reconfigure weight and devices. Anyone performing some form of circuit work will like how much time they save with this characteristic. If you go through Bowflex for this machine, then you’ll receive free shipping and a resistance rod upgrade. In the long run, this could save someone a fair amount of money. Additionally, I feel as though if this is someone’s only means of working out, then the price is pretty fair. And if a one-time purchase scares you, then Bowflex offers the ability to setup financing options. Bowflex Xtreme 2 SE Home Gym Warranty As mentioned above, one of the pros that comes along with this home gym is the warranty attached to it. Unlike older models, this machine comes with a 7-year warranty, which is 2-years longer than previous models. On top of that, their power rods come with a lifetime warranty. This is a nice insurance since the resistance rods are pretty much the highlight of every Bowflex home gym. In Closing Bowflex states that this is one of their best selling home gyms, which I could understand from the specs it has to offer. It’s a compact machine that comes with over 70 exercise options. Additionally, they offer financing options, along with a solid warranty to ensure the machine lasts for a lifter. My only real knock against this system is the lack of resistance for the weathered gym-goer who may need more weight to achieve their goals. For someone who needs a versatile machine to get in multiple types of workouts at home, then I think the Bowflex Xtreme 2 SE Home Gym is a good option. Currently, Jake serves as the Fitness and Training Editor at BarBend. He’s a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and has spoken at state conferences on the topics of writing in the fitness industry and building a brand. As of right now, Jake has published over 1,300 articles related to strength athletes and sports. Leave a Comment Cancel reply Comment Name Email Website BarBend is an independent website. The views expressed on this site may come from individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the view of BarBend or any other organization. BarBend is the Official Media Partner of USA Weightlifting. Supreme 90 Day Workout Schwinn Bowflex Workouts Life Fitness Circuit Training Bowflex Ultimate Workouts How Much Weight Does the ProForm Crosswalk 370e Treadmill Hold. Home Fitness Cardio The Best Workout for Bowflex Xtreme 2 SE Home Gym By: Ryan Haas Published: 26 May, 2018 Get a great workout at home. The Xtreme 2 SE packs a lot of strength building variety into a compact space using Bowflex’s patented Power Rod technology. It comes standard with 210 pounds of resistance but can be upgraded to 310 or 410 pounds with the purchase of more power rods. With that much weight and over 70 possible exercises, you have a lot of options. The best workout for you on the Xtreme 2 SE depends on your fitness goals. Upper Body Exercises With the Xtreme 2 SE you can work all the muscles in your upper body, including your shoulders, triceps, biceps, chest and back. There are enough options that you can switch up your routine every week or every few weeks so your workout never gets stale and your fitness gains won't plateau. Some of the upper body exercises you can do on the Xtreme 2 SE include: bench press chest fly reverse fly rear deltoid row front shoulder raise seated shoulder press Bent over row seated lat pulldown reverse grip pulldowns low back extension triceps pushdown triceps kickback resisted dip biceps curl hammer curl wrist curl Lower Body and Core Exercises There isn't quite as much variety for lower body exercises, but there are enough options to effectively target the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and calves. Most of these exercises are compound exercises, meaning a single exercise will target a few muscle groups at the same time. With the Xtreme 2 SE you can do: leg extensions squats standing hip extensions leg kickbacks hip flexion deadlifts hip adduction and abduction calf raises The Xtreme 2 SE gives you three options for working your core muscles: trunk rotation seated weighted oblique crunch seated weighted abdominal crunch A Workout for Every Goal All of these exercises can be a part of your program no matter your goal. Whether you're interested in general conditioning, weight loss or bodybuilding, you can achieve your goals by manipulating factors including training frequency, intensity, volume and rest intervals. The Bowflex Xtreme 2 SE owner's manual provides detailed workouts for every goal that you can use as a blueprint for planning your workouts. General Conditioning Bowflex's 20-minute Better Body routine is a great place for novices to start. It includes eight exercises for the entire body. Each exercise is performed for one to two sets of 10 to 15 reps. Beginners will start with one set and progress to two sets as they become stronger. Using a lifting pace of three seconds up and three seconds down, this is a mild-intensity workout. All sets of each exercise are completed before moving on to the next exercise, and rest intervals between sets are 30 to 45 seconds. Perform the general conditioning workout three times per week. Advanced Conditioning The advanced conditioning workout takes 30 to 45 minutes and is performed in splits, with chest, shoulders, arms and legs done on two days of the week and back, shoulders, arms and core on the other two days, for a total of four workouts per week. The workouts include five to seven exercises performed at a slow pace of three seconds up, three seconds down. The volume is increased, starting with one or two sets of each exercise and moving up to three sets. Each set includes 10 to 12 reps and the rest intervals are 20 to 30 seconds. Bodybuilding The Bowflex bodybuilding routine includes workout splits in a three day on, one day off pattern. The first workout focuses on chest and shoulders, the second on arms and back and the third on legs and core. Each workout includes six exercises, which are done for two to four sets of eight to 12 reps. The lifting intensity is slow -- three seconds up, three seconds down -- and the rest interval is 30 to 60 seconds. The key to this workout is contracting the muscles being worked throughout the set and working to fatigue on each set. Weight Loss and Endurance The best workouts for weight loss and endurance help you build muscle while keeping your heart-rate elevated for both calorie-burning and stamina-building. Bowflex's circuit training workouts are perfect for achieving these goals. This workout is done two to three times a week for up to 60 minutes. Each circuit includes three to five exercises which are done for single sets of eight to 12 reps with no rest break in between sets.